Detect COVID 19 by canine olfaction.
Equipment is systematically thoroughly cleaned after each pass.Nosaïs is a program of Alfort National Veterinary School that aims to develop medical detection dogs in France and to try to be a link between all the organisations working on this theme worldwide. It is conducted by 2 researchers of the UMES (K9 sports medicine unit) : Professor Dominique Grandjean and Mrs Clothilde Julien-Lecoq. "When the COVID19 disease reached France, we thought that maybe the SARSCoV2 virus could induce the production by the organism of specific metabolites or catabolites that would be detectablen more than 300n as VOCs (Volatil Organics Coumpounds) by the nose of the dog, in biologic secretions of the human body. We checked which ones would be without risk and found out that the virus was not excreted in sweat. Therefor we decided to work on sweat, sampled in the armpits so that the risk of passive contamination is minimized. 18 dogs entered the protocole on 3 different sites : Paris, Ajaccio (Corsica) and Beirout (Lebanon). After training the dogs we did run the proof-of-concept study, representing more than 300 « on line sniffing » trials, and the results demonstrate that sweat has a different odour for COVID positive people compared to negative ones for the dogs.
Our french team regrets that french authorities did not help at all, regarding both administrative necessary documents or financial help. Countries working with us, such as the United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Argentina, Australia, Brasil, do not face the same problems. And our collegues from UK, Finland or USA, who work on urine or breath samples gto support and help from their countries."